Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Stream-of-consciousness ramblings

Real quick before I get Caitrin up for so many random things on my mind today! Missed a call from Tara the other night and my new phone didn't let me know it till yesterday. Grrr! Who'd have ever known that curtain tiebacks would be part of our babyproofing routine? We have floor-length curtains in the kitchen, which is really the safest place for Miss to play, but she was getting all tangled up in the curtains. While she was napping this morning I put up the tiebacks we bought at Target yesterday. I'm not a huge fan of them, but they're necessary.

Think we're taking a trip to Old Navy this afternoon. Would love to venture over to Arundel Mills because that one's huge, but I hate parking over there and the layout stinks so we'll probably just hit Severna Park. Caitrin's got clothes for the rest of the summer and then some; this trip's for Mama!

Think I've finally got my diaper-washing routine down. Wash once in cold water with Oxi-Clean Free and detergent (Arm & Hammer Free - Sensitive Skin), then wash hot with more Oxi-Clean and detergent, then extra rinse on warm (because my machine doesn't have a hot rinse). This is all done with the water level set to medium and the second rinse turned on. Then dry on high heat for 80 minutes...the Thirsties fitteds usually need another half hour beyond that, though.

Because it's not being promoted anywhere else, I'm going to plug it shamelessly here. The X-Files 2: I Want To Believe opens July 25th and Sean and I have a big night planned. You can check out the official movie site here, but the better source for all things X is here. In keeping with the random nature of this post, now that I'm ironing my hair I've actually heard a couple times that I look like "that X-Files chick." That anyone finds a likeness between me and Gillian Anderson is flattering beyond belief. I will definitely shamelessly plug the movie more later, but my little chick just woke up so I've gotta run.

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