Monday, July 28, 2008

Believe the Hype: See the Movie

A while back I was doing some shameless plugging for the then-forthcoming film The X-Files: I Want to Believe and promised to plug more later. I can now do so from the vantage point of having seen the movie, it having been released on Friday. So, you may wonder, was it really worth all the secrecy, the Carter-versus-studio battle, the wait? In a word, YES!

My favorite site for all things X, X-Files News, features a full review of the movie with which I concur, but I'll add just a few personal thoughts. The first of these is a prayer: oh, please God, may 39 look a fraction as good on me as it does on Gillian Anderson. Moving right along, the story can definitely stand on its own apart from the TV series and the 1998 film. It is not Chris Carter and company's strongest "monster of the week" story by any stretch, but it is sound. Carter FINALLY indulges those of us who call ourselves "'shippers," though after waiting 6 years I think he still owes us more than we were given in that arena. Mulder and Scully may no longer be G-people, but their fragrant blend of sarcastic, witty banter and brutal honesty is as strong as it was in the series' heyday.

Who should see this movie? If you ever watched the series, even casually, or saw the first film and loved it, you need to see this movie! If you love an old-fashioned thriller that does not need gore or gratuitous CGI to carry the story, see this movie. If you want to reminisce about the olden days of shadowy figures in dark suits and "little green men," see this movie. If you breathe oxygen and require water in order to live, you need to see this movie. 'Nuff said? Good, 'cause it is eons past my bedtime. More to come very soon. God bless.

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