Monday, July 14, 2008

Best laid plans...

Usually Caitrin and I walk in the morning, after her breakfast and before her a.m. nap. This morning it was raining, so we couldn't. We had to give her time to digest her cereal, but then we did have some fun playing in the living room. She had a terrific nap while Mama birthday-shopped online for Daddy.

After lunch, Caitrin and I headed to the mall (Marley) for no other reason than I thought it was a good way to make up for missing our morning walk. Nothing in particular we were looking for, just browsing. She was good as gold until about 2:45. I was about to turn us for home so we wouldn't be late for her afternoon nap, but first I stopped off at Chick-Fil-A and got a vanilla milkshake with the intention of sharing it with Caitrin. Her pediatrician said it's fine for her to have a taste of ice cream once in a while and she loves it! My goodness, as soon as she got her first mouthful, she went nuts. Apparently, I was supposed to forget that I wanted any of it and just hand the whole thing over to her. I was not giving her sips quickly enough I guess, because suddenly my sweet, happy little girl became a screaming, crying, tantrum-thrower! She turned beet-red and veins were popping all over the place. Of course EVERYONE dropped what they were doing to stare at us. I was mortified. I put her back in the stroller, much to her chagrin, and home we went.

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