Friday, March 13, 2009

Snake Eyes/Language Explosion

At long last we close out a hectic week. Sunday was my Day 3 draw, as previously mentioned. Results all normal. Monday was Sean's SA and Cassy's follow-up at the vet. We've yet to hear about Sean, but Cassy is doing well. I mentioned that I've seen her scratching her ears again and so we're bumping her meds back up to every other day for 2 weeks. She's gained almost a pound because the 'roids give her the munchies. As long as she doesn't gain any more, she'll be fine.

Tuesday was supposed to be a recuperation day, but Caitrin decided not to nap and therefore it was anything but. She's cute (adorable, actually), but she exhausts me when I don't get a break. Sean and I were in bed by 9:30. Wednesday was my perinatologist consult. As was the case with all my previous dealings with them, this was a great experience. I finally have a diagnosis for the alarming spike in blood pressure that I had as soon as Caitrin was delivered. Postpartum preeclampsia. Never heard of such a thing. I knew it wasn't the "nothing" that all my OB's were playing it off as. The peri said that it's not likely to happen again, but advised me to start taking baby aspirin now and continue through pregnancy in order to prevent it. I told him that I want to do everything possible to prevent it from happening again, and he assured me we will. He also encouraged me to drop Aldomet and just take Procardia, as it is safe in pregnancy and a much more sophisticated drug.

And yesterday was HSG day. My biggest headache was finding someone to watch Caitrin. There are those in my world who don't support our seeking medical intervention to have another child, who appear to believe that being a Christian and seeking help with infertility are mutually exclusive. As such, there were some folks I couldn't even ask about childcare. But my amazing husband arranged for his mom and her friend to come, under the guise that I needed to "run errands." A wonderful time was had by all.

I was well-versed in the technical ins and outs of the procedure, but I was very concerned, as I mentioned last time, about the pain aspect. I know everyone's experience is a little different, but mine really was a piece of cake. I followed the advice of the major IF bloggers and took 800 mg of ibuprofen an hour and a half beforehand, but I could've done without it. It was no more uncomfortable than your everyday pelvic exam. It took them forever to place the catheter, but once they did, the procedure was over in seconds. The dye cleared the right tube immediately and the left about 15 seconds later. All is normal. The only surprise for me was the amount of spotting I've had. I've wondered, previous to this procedure, if the left tube was slightly blocked for whatever reason. The dye cleared a little more slowly than it did the right tube, so my personal theory is that there was a very slight blockage that was dislodged, hence the spotting. But I've been no more crampy than a light flow day.

So it would appear at the time of this writing that our diagnosis will be the oh-so-frustrating "unexplained infertility." Now that our prescreening is through, I will call to schedule our follow-up consult, whereby we will hopefully draw up a plan of action. I can't sit idly by anymore, letting cycle after cycle amount to nothing. I remember a commercial that used to run on TV when I was a kid...back in the days when beer commercials ran on television. It was for Pabst Blue Ribbon and the slogan was "PBR me ASAP." All week I've had this image in my head of me wearing a t-shirt to our follow-up consult that says "IUI me ASAP." Seriously, if they told me I could have an IUI tomorrow, I'd do it.

On the Caitrin front, she is currently supposed to be napping AGAIN and refusing to. Grrrrrr!!! She is becoming quite the little chatterbox all of a sudden. She's always been very verbal for her age, but it's like her vocabulary has expanded tenfold in the past week. Her latest words and phrases are "okay," "wow," "uh-oh," "silly baby," "silly kitty," "good girl," "no-no," and "monkey." She can now identify her head, hair, eye, nose, ear, mouth, hand, arm, belly, knee, and foot if I ask her to point to them. When we read, she will point to pictures of a kitty, doggie, butterfly, teddy bear, bird, fish, ladybug, flower, guitar, ball, monkey, baby, mama, and daddy. She is beginning to put toys away and books back on their shelves when I ask her to. She "parrots" everything we say now, so it's a good thing we keep a tight rein on our mouths for the most part!

I am seriously fighting the temptation to just crash today - sleep, let the dishes go and the diapers fold themselves. If and when there is a nap, you'd better believe I will be indulging in one of my own. I've suddenly got a mad craving for a good cup of decaf, so I'm gonna go indulge.

1 comment:

TeamWinks said...

So glad to hear that the HSG didn't hurt! That's excellent!

I hear you on the "those that don't support our treatment" issue. We had several friends that didn't understand/support. I'm excited for what your future holds. Keep us updated!

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