Wednesday, November 5, 2008

As Promised: Cutie Pics

Can I help it if when God was handing out cuteness genes, she got them all?!

We're still here!

Before I say anything else, allow me to address a few questions I've received from my readers.

Where've you been?
We've been right here, where we always are. We've had a sometimes busy, often fun-filled, occasionally tempestuous couple of weeks but we haven't gone anywhere.

Are you okay?
"Okay" is such a broad-based, all-encompassing term that it makes this a difficult one to answer. If we consider each factor that contributes to one's "okayness," that might provide a satisfactory result. Physical health: check. Caitrin is now 20 lbs. 6 oz., back up near the 50th percentile for her adjusted age. She came through the Hepatitis A vaccine and second half of her flu shot unfazed but for a few hours during which she felt slightly warm to me. Sean and I have been dealing with the cursory dry air/colder weather headaches, but nothing more. Fiscal health: superb. God continues to bless our finances and provide far more than we need. Mental health: Sean's fine, we all know Caitrin's crazy, and me, well...that's the grey area. I guess I'd say I am experiencing the appropriate emotional reactions to the various situations I face. Clear as mud, huh?

What was up with that last post? It didn't even sound like you!
I have been nearly silent on the posting front lately because while I extol the virtue of honesty above all others, I also remember watching Bambi, where we all learned that "if you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all." Ephesians 4:29 puts it a little more eloquently: "Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen." I haven't benefited much from my own internal dialogue of late, so I decided against subjecting others to reading it.

Recently I attempted to accomplish a goal that meant a great deal to me. I put everything I had into it and had every reason to believe I would succeed. Ultimately, I did not. While it was certainly not the last shot I had to realize the dream, failure has been a bitter pill to swallow. I'm pressing on, and I'm also gearing up for the holidays and spending a great deal of time on a craft project of sorts, the details of which I can't reveal until after Christmas.

I have taken some hilarious pictures of my girl, including the one above. I will post more of those later. She is like living with a cartoon character. She makes us laugh every day. That about does it for now.

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