Sunday, March 8, 2009

Grueling Schedule

Today began a very busy week for us, and me in particular. Before church I had to go to S.hady G.rove for my Day 3 blood draw, plus locate two offices in Annapolis I'll be visiting later in the week and wasn't familiar with.

I am such a newbie in this IF world, despite all I think I know. I didn't realize that they did a transvaginal ultrasound on Day 3 as well. No biggie; I had one of these at 5 weeks pregnant with Caitrin so once they told me I was having it I knew what to expect. After that I met with the nurse to review the schedule of upcoming procedures, and she said that from her cursory glance at my ultrasound, everything looks good. Uterus is normal shape & size (which I wasn't worried about since I carried Caitrin almost to term with no problems), and ovaries are normal as well...i.e., normal size, no cysts. I was worried about that, because I get weird intermittent pains near the left ovary at certain points in my cycle. Tomorrow I will hear from my nurse about the results of my blood work. I'm expecting to hear I have high prolactin, and maybe diminished ovarian reserve as well, but I am purely self-diagnosing, and though I think I know much, there is a great deal I don't know.

Tomorrow Sean will be my hero, as he goes for his SA. As I said previously, I'd rather have a zillion invasive pelvic procedures that have to do what he's doing. Will probably make the trip into Annapolis with him to drop off his contribution, as he's yet to go to SG and they've royally frigged up the parking down there at the hospital. Then we have to take Cassy to the vet for a recheck, which should go absolutely fine.

Tuesday is a recuperation day, and then on Wednesday I have my consult with Dr. S.weeney, the perinatologist I saw throughout my pregnancy with Caitrin. I'm excited about this appointment. Everyone loves Dr. S.weeney, not least of all myself, and I haven't had a chance to show Caitrin off to him yet. They moved office since then, and this morning I was able to find what I understand to be the correct building, but didn't see the practice name on the building itself.

On Thursday I have my HSG. As previously mentioned, I am excited and terrified about this one. I did find the building this morning, so I know where I'm going. But I can't take Caitrin with me, and her favorite babysitter has a softball game that day, so at this point I am stuck for someone to watch her. That is the part of all this that I absolutely hate. I feel like I almost have to hide the fact that I have her. It's really tough for me to leave her with anyone, even the handful of people I trust. But that's just part of the game, and complaining doesn't solve it.

So, after Thursday, our fact-finding mission should be over with. And in a couple weeks we'll both go in to talk to the doctor about the results and determine a plan of action. That part is music to my ears. By the time we hit Friday, I think we're all going to be bushed. I've been thinking I need to go by Medallion and visit. It has been since before the holidays that I've been there. But I haven't been in any frame of mind to share what's been going on (or not going on, as is the case) in my life, and the market downturn seems to have started affecting them. I pray they make it through. They've been awfully good to me.

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