Thursday, January 8, 2009

Week in Review: kitty, kitty, kitty!

Sorry, no pics this time. I still have zillions to edit from Christmas. It has been a cold, wet, icy week here, forcing Caitrin and me to stay inside most of the time. After our trip to Arundel Mills over the weekend, I was inspired to try taking Caitrin to Annapolis Mall on Monday, because they, like Arundel Mills, have an H&M, but unlike Arundel Mills, I don't have to fear getting mugged in Annapolis. The H&M is in the newly expanded part of the mall, which still feels foreign to me. I hate the way you have to walk through Lord & Taylor to get to the expansion shops. I wouldn't think Lord & Taylor would be too thrilled about it, either. Anyhow...perhaps the risk to my life is greater at Arundel Mills, but the risk to the lives of the Annapolis Mall H&M employees is way up there after my visit. As soon as I walked in, I was struck by the fact that it was early afternoon on the Monday all the kids went back to school (very low foot traffic), yet there were no less than 10 employees in the store. They were flitting about like hummingbirds, until I was ready to check out and leave. Two of them were standing behind a bank of registers in the back of the store, so I strode purposefully up to them...and was told "we're closed back here." It took a couple seconds for me to pick my chin up off the floor and move. So I went and waited by the other registers, but suddenly the umpteen thousand employees were nowhere in sight. Caitrin had had her fill of shopping and I was ready to get the heck out of there, so after being summarily ignored for a full 15 minutes, I put my stuff down and left. To any locals reading this, please consider boycotting the H&M at Annapolis Mall. I have never been treated so rudely.

Tuesday we made another fruitless shopping trip to Marley Station Mall. I guess I should mention that I'm on the hunt for cute, long-sleeved peasant-type blouses. Everyone's wearing them, but it seems no one actually sells them. We killed some time on a rainy day, but that's about it.

Wednesday we headed to Wal-Mart (sorry, Dad) because the zipper on Caitrin's winter coat broke and I needed to find something with which to fix it. I was tempted to buy her a whole new coat, as they were marked down to $8, but hers is adorable vintage Old Navy that I got on eBay and it's so much nicer. I found lacing that matches the pink in her coat perfectly, so I replaced the broken zipper tab with a pull made of lacing, and it's as good as new. The only trouble is that the lacing, and the pink in Caitrin's coat, are raspberry pink, and now I've got that horrible Prince song "Raspberry Beret" so stuck in my head I think it's cranially tattooed.

This evening Caitrin and I are taking Cassy back to the vet for a re-check. She still seems to be doing well, but this week she has taken a step back and had two bathroom "accidents" on our Christmas tree skirt. I washed it right away the first time and thought it would be fine, but she could obviously still smell something even though I couldn't, because she gave a repeat performance this morning. I refused to speak to her for a few hours both times.

Caitrin is still obsessed with Cassy. Every time I go and get her from a nap, the first thing I say to her is "hi, baby girl" and the first thing she says to me is "key?" She always needs to know where "key" is. The other day I was putting food in Cassy's dish and she was uncharacteristically nowhere to be found, so I gave the "here, kitty, kitty, kitty" call and of course she came running. Now Caitrin does it. I took her out to lunch today, and as soon as we walked in the door coming home, she said, "key, key, key, key, key!"

I'm all out of news for now, so let me go try to find something interesting to do so that I can write about it next time!

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