Sunday, January 4, 2009

And a few more for good measure

So, here it is. 2009. And here I am. Wide awake at 1 am thanks to an ultra-girly coffee thing I had at 3 pm, not realizing it was caffeinated. I've been completely off all forms of caffeine for over 2 months now, so its effect on me today (yesterday?) was overwhelming.

Before Christmas I declared blog amnesty, citing upheaval in the personal realm as well as a serious deficit of time. Well, the issues (actually, it's a singular issue but it's so massive it feels like many) have not resolved at all, and while it's instinctual for me to turn inward in the face of such an albatross, life is still going on around me. I can narrate recent events, present my observations of a world that's moving while I stand still, without giving much of myself away. For now, that'll have to do.

As illustrated by the photos, we had a wonderful Christmas. Caitrin had a blast this year. I hesitated to put the tree in the living room, where it was fair game for her curious inspection, but the matter was settled for me. I mentioned in my "amnesty" post that Cassy the kitty had taken ill. What began with itchy ears escalated to ears covered in two inches of scabby mess, accompanied by a refusal to get up out of bed for any reason. Not our girl, not by a long shot. Sean took her to the vet; she put Cassy on amoxicillin and suspected an autoimmune disorder known as pemphigus foliaceus. She went on to do a biopsy of the scales when Cassy slipped farther away while on amoxicillin. For several days, it looked as if we were preparing for goodbye. Then Cassy started prednisolone and clindamycin. The morning after she started the medication, 95% of the scales had fallen off her ears and she was chasing me around demanding food at all hours. Biopsy showed she does indeed have pemphigus (its etiology is very similar to that of lupus) and will likely be on steroids for the rest of her life. Her vet is amazed at the rapid recovery and things look good.

But I her severely weakened state, I decided to move Cassy out of the basement so I could keep a close watch on her. I set up a bed, litter box and food & water in the office, as the doorway is gated off to prevent Caitrin from playing with computer wires and heirloom china. This necessitated moving the Christmas tree from its safe spot behind the aforementioned gate to the living room where it was fair game. Thankfully, Caitrin has learned "gentle," and it applies in so many situations. Gentle with the tree. Gentle with the not grab her tail! Gentle with Mama...we don't hit even when we are angry.

So our girls definitely got what they wanted for Christmas. Cassy is back, large and in charge and living upstairs again. Not a single bathroom accident since she's been up here. She now gets canned food, once a rare delicacy in our house, every day as we crush her steroid pill and mix it in with the food. And Caitrin has many, many new toys, but her favorite is her "key." She speed-crawls everywhere after Cassy, whose vet says she must enjoy the chase a little bit or she wouldn't put herself in the line of fire. Caitrin knows how to "pet the kitty gentle" and is happy to demonstrate on herself, her stuffed animals, her dad and name it. Caitrin got a guitar from her Nanny and now she can rock and roll right along with Daddy.

Caitrin turned 15 months old on December 21st. At her 15-month well visit (devoid of shots this time...another Christmas gift!) she weighed 22 lbs 4 oz and was 29 3/4 inches, putting her just under the 50th percentile for her age in both measurements. Her growth curve remains steady. She is still not walking, but stands for long periods unsupported and loves to play a game where she stands up, lets go and then falls on her butt. She has 8 teeth that are completely in and four more that have peeked through. To her vocabulary she has most recently added "me" and "yeah." She still loves books above all else and will point to any illustration or photograph of a kitty in a book and tell you it's a "key." She is still wearing size 2 sneakers, but her adorable brown size 2 dress shoes have become too tight. She is obsessed with doors lately; opening them, shutting them, laughing when she shuts herself in her room with us on the other side of the door. We go as often as weather and temperature permit to see the big planes at BWI. It still thrills me to no end that she loves this as much as I do and hasn't tired of it.

I think my coffee buzz is finally fading and the eyelids are feeling a little heavy. Will close up shop and check back in soon. Hope everyone's holidays were warm and wonderful and may you all have a blessed new year.

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