Wednesday, October 15, 2008

"Us da?!"

I know I have been terribly remiss in my posting duties over the last week or so. I know "everyone is," but I have been just so crazy-busy. My mom visited last week and we had such a great time. She can't get over just how much Caitrin is like me, as a baby, all over again. It was wonderful having an extra set of hands for a few days, too.

The pics above are from the interim since I last posted. I realize I may appear biased, but when God was handing out babies He really did give us the smartest, happiest, sweetest, most precious one. I didn't have to "stage" any of these photos. She is just that cute.

So the title of this may have piqued the interest of some. This is Caitrin's latest development. She points to everything and asks, "us da?" (what's that?). And babies don't start speaking in sentences till they're 18 months old. Uh huh.

I'm feeling a little better about it now that Caitrin's been in bed for an hour, but today was one of those days every new mom dreads. I realize I run the risk of getting flamed for saying this, but I am nothing if not honest: I love my daughter to distraction, but I have not liked her much the past couple days. We are on Day 4 of a complete nap boycott. My mom and Sean blame teething. I can't feel any new teeth, but I never have been able to until they sprout so it could very well be. I am just this side of loony right now. Thank God I have a husband who happily picks up my slack or we'd be living in utter filth right now because I have had absolutely no break in days. I don't understand what I am doing wrong. Her entire routine is the same as it's been for months. I'm slowly buying into the teething theory because her few previous nap strikes have directly preceded a crop of new chompers.

The good news is that her diaper rash is now completely gone. For the cloth-diapering mamas, we finally found a commercial diaper rash ointment that doesn't make CDs stink: Aveeno Soothing Relief Diaper Rash Cream. It's about 12% zinc oxide to Desitin's 40%, but it doesn't contain the cod liver oil that Desitin and Balmex do, which is what causes the stink. Oh, and if you make the mistake of using Desitin with CDs like I did, add half a cup of white vinegar to each wash cycle. After 3-4 complete washes (that's prewash, main wash, any extra rinses, and dry) the stink should dissipate.

I've gotta go shower and spend some time with my husband, but before I go, do me a favor and listen to this. On Sunday, Pastor Bill gave an amazing sermon about the state of the economy in America and God's position in it. I was at once chastened, empowered, humbled, and relieved by the message God gave him. Every Christian needs to hear this.

Till soon, be blessed.

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